Full stack designer & entrepreneur
I try to find opportunities in any small growing bussiness to help it reach its full potential and scale to larger audience
I have been honored to partner with this amazing companies and organizations
These are the projects I worked on along side my team and developed it from scratch to where it is today
We try in Imtyaz to improve the learning experience that our students have by enhancing the material with animations and graphics that help the understanding process and make it all over fun experience
About Imtyaz
In our production team we always focus on producing the most out of what it avaliable and create something that we are as a team very proud to share to the world
About Seven
We always focus in trust plus that we innovate and create new ways and ideas that transform the real estate market and elevate our company and achieve our vision
About Trust Plus
2022 - Present
Shefae Care
2023 - Present
Trust Plus
2024 - Preset
Golden Car
2023 - Present
2023 - Present
2022 - Preset
Bachelor's degree || Zagazig Universiy
Just a little chatting and writing out my thoughts and updates